Natalie Steenholdt – Twins Alex and Freya Sep 2019 Private Baby Massage

Louise, after a wonderful 4 week private course with our twins, I am so sad that our time has come to an end. The course content has been fantastic and it has been a lovely experience learning with you but it’s you that really makes it special! You are a joy to be around and you’ve made our babies smile and laugh every week… and have also given us the tools to relax them so completely that they are sleeping again like newborns! Thank you for giving us the confidence to really benefit from the power of touch and gentle parenting. I’m looking forward to putting all of our newfound skills to use! For now, bye bye Lou Lou, bye bye Lou Lou, bye bye Lou Lou and thank you for the course! PS here is a picture from today after you made my cry with the lovely back to work poem!